160 meter receiving antenna There is an extra benefit of a ground connection for an earth rod if required. It attenuates unwanted signals with up to 30 dB. 0 MHz) is dominated by bursts of RF from impulsive events such as lightning strikes within thunderstorms. The document provides a brief guide on building a compact dipole antenna appropriate for the 40, 80, and 160-meter amateur radio bands. The VE2DPE 160 Special! RECEIVING ANTENNAS. Jan 20, 2010 · K3ZXL - 160 Meter Receiving Loop Project Dan Schaaf 20 January 2010 _____ For several years, I have been struggling with atmospheric noise on the 160 meter band. Initially I had considered putting it in the attic - but that space is already past it's limit of antenna complications with the current antennas. 5 to 4. It was apparent that many stations were copying me much better than I could hear them, so something needed to be done. Key Features/Specifications: Frequency: 160-6m Inc. optimizes the performance of phased Beverages and phased verticals. 0 MHz; 80 meter band = 3. 5 degrees for the two center elements, and –77 degrees for the rear element. K9AY Loop antenn för (40), 80 och 160 meterFrom Array Solutions comes this control box AS-AYL-4 for assembling a low band receiving antenna in four directions based on the famous K9AY loop concept. Each matchbox is purpose-designed for use with "this" antenna. As you can see, my 160 meter antenna can cover at least half the 160 meter band within a 2:1 SWR. very well engineered and exceptionally easy to use . When the conversation turns to how a certain station manages to work DX on 80 and 160 meters, night after night, voices are lowered and heads nod up and down as it is observed, “Well, they have Beverages!” What are these magic antennas? The title of the main category is 160M and it deals mainly with 160 meters band antenna. I have no space on my city lot for a K9AY Loop or a Beverage antenna. The antennas are called by several different names. 8-36Mhz (160meter to 8meter) 50. Combines the inputs from two antennas. It comes with a control box (se photo) and an external rely box that is mounted at the mast. Cl is connected in series with one leg of T1's primary winding. We highly recommend this product to look for an excellent 160-meter antenna for your home or commercial space. Below are several antenna setups that are intended for 160 Meter operation. Transmitting antennas, power lines, towers and other nearby large conducting objects can re-radiate signals that are coupled to the receiving antenna. Jan 4, 2020 · If you are struggling to get a good Receive-antenna for 160 meters, I highly recommend this Loop-on-Ground design. This network is included inside the junction box (see Figure 1) of each 80 and 160-meter antenna. There's the Marconi, End-Fed, Inverted-L, etc. These values are based on a time delay phasing utilizing a fixed 180-degree inversion in the center elements. Sep 8, 2014 · YES, I am still building 160/ 80m, 80m and 160m receive loops. A 7. for the 160 Meter Band. The 80m-6m antenna reads 32 ft. 7m ; Socket: SO239 DX Engineering 160 Meter THUNDERBOLT® Vertical Antennas are high-performance antennas specifically designed for use on Top Band. Your mileage may vary, but I would be surprised if you do not have a favorable result, and you will never build or install a simpler antenna than the LOG. . 8 to 2. 1989 Sep 16, 2022 · There is a certain mystique about Beverages—the receiving antenna kind, anyway. High Performance Receiving Antennas 10 to 14 dB RDF 10 dB: Pair of 400 foot staggered Beverages about 7 feet high 10 dB: 500 to 600 foot Beverage about 7 feet high ideal for both 160 and 80 meters 11 dB: Two or three close spaced 500 to 600 foot Beverages, staggered 125 feet The antenna described here is used by DF2BC who has limited yard space for antennas. And, in many cases, these antennas can be used on multiple bands. In a nutshell: The antenna is made by telescoping three 10-foot PVC sections together, helically winding it with ½ wavelength of antenna wire, attaching a capacitance hat to the top, and feeding it with a 50-ohm feed line against 8 ground radials. Why Receiving Antennas? Much better performance especially on 80 and 160 meters and multi-acre lots; Much better performance than transmitting antennas, especially on 160 and 80 meters; Greatly High Performance 160 Meter Transmitting Antennas The 125 foot vertical: the 160 meter gold standard at least 30-60 shallow buried 120 foot radials 4-square arrays of phased 125 foot verticals very high performance for both transmitting and receiving at least 30-60 shallow buried 120 foot radials for each vertical very simple but effective HWV antenna for 160 meters. Listed under the Antennas/160M category that is about Antenna for 160 meters band. Ideal for 160-6m and when used with a good quality ATU a perfect match can be obtained on all bands. long. Here is how I managed to get pretty decent results with a homemade antenna. I knew Beverage antennas were the hot ticket Feb 1, 2019 · This antenna, along with their listing for a "Taurus 80M-6M Multi-Band Long Wire Dipole Antenna - inc WARC Bands" antenna do not meet the correct wire length for the bands indicated. You will achieve the strongest possible presence at your power level and be competitive with a 160 meter vertical monoband antenna that is only 55 feet tall! A custom-designed capacity hat system allows you to get on Atmospheric noise at the low HF frequencies referenced in this question (160 meter band = 1. This listing reads 64ft. WARC bands ; Unun: 9:1 ; Length: 41. VERY PERFORMANCE ANTENNAS FOR MULTI ACRE LOTS. So, I prepared my mounting points for a 64 ft. Twenty years ago a friend of mine (W7AE/KY7U) (sk) and myself became interested in low band dxing. Operating on 160 meters has always been a challenge. DX Engineering 160 Meter THUNDERBOLT® Vertical Antennas are high-performance antennas specifically designed for use on Top Band. MFJ is a famous brand when it comes to antennas. 0 out of 5 stars This is a great end fed antenna complete with a 9:1 Unun . The entire Jan 21, 2025 · 160 m Balanced Coaxial Receiving Loop Antenna W4HM explanation of the 160 meter balanced coaxial receiving loop antenna, easily adaptable to a 40 and 80 meters band Wire receiving loop antenna A quick and easy to build loop antenna for shortwave listeining can tune from 5 to 18 Mhz Dave's Loop Antennas N2DS home made loop page collection. wire antenna. 2 m high mast is needed to raise the wire antennas Apr 22, 2019 · this antenna is designed for stations having a difficult time putting a decent signal on 160m from small or cc r d lots it is a 24 5 ft vertical antenna made from three 10 ft pvc sections bolted together and half wavelength of antenna wire helically wound around the pvc sections . 7inch 120W Stainless Steel CB Mobile Base Antenna with PL259(UHF-Male) Connector for Yaesu Motorola Midland Icom Ham Mobile Radio Transceiver 3. (A Radio Shack 270-223 plastic box makes a suitable enclosure). Any antenna tuner should be able to easily handle the higher SWR over the other half of the band. To avoid this problem, locate the K9AY Loop as far from the transmitting High Performance Receiving Antennas 10 to 14 dB RDF 10 dB: Pair of 400 foot staggered Beverages about 7 feet high 10 dB: 500 to 600 foot Beverage about 7 feet high ideal for both 160 and 80 meters 11 dB: Two or three close spaced 500 to 600 foot Beverages, staggered 125 feet A Sloper for 160 Meters – W4JTL – November 2001 Why low gain antennas work so well at lower HF frequencies – W4HET – Sept 1999 QST Feeding an 80 Meter Delta Loop at 160 Meters – K6XK – Page 37 April 1990 Loading Coils for 160 Meter Antennas – W7XC – April 1990 160 Meters: A Tribute – N4LBJ – Aug. You will achieve the strongest possible presence at your power level and be competitive with a 160 meter vertical monoband antenna that is only 55 feet tall! Since you have chosen a small receiving antenna, it is likely that your transmitting antenna will be nearby. Where to put the loop was the next big issue to resolve. He uses this antenna efficiently on several bands from 160 thru 20m, but he has three different matchboxes, one for Top Band, one for 80m and one for 40/30/20m. TC-B2M 1. The diagrams are redrawn from Bill Orr's book "W6SAI HF Antenna Handbook". Building an amateur radio antenna for 160 meters is a challenge. Random Length Radiator Wire Antenna May 6, 2018 · Use WSPR or FT-8 to compare the performance of two antennas. 22 Different Wire Antennas. The resource has been on our site since Tuesday Dec 24 2002, and it has been viewed 55748 times. The purpose of this article is to provide appropriate information to address these two challenges, along with general information about other issues necessary to get your feet wet on topband (also Jan 21, 2025 · Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe. Lacking room for a beverage receiving antenna, we constructed several loop receiving antenna to see if we could find a suitable low /lower noise receiving antenna. Remember that you can choose to have the antenna resonate in the portion of the 160 meter band that you prefer - simply by adjusting the length of the K9AY 80/160 Meter Switchable Loop Antenna System After operating a couple 160 Meter contests last Winter, I realized I needed to do something to improve my receiving performance. Mar 13, 2021 · lCombining two antennas with a variable phase controller l steerable nulls l optimize the front-to-back ratio of phased arrays of Beverages and verticals lDiversity reception with dual phase locked receivers All receiving antennas dimension are for 160 meters -simply scale them to 80 meters Feb 1, 2024 · What is The Best 160 Meter Antenna? The MFJ- 1778 wire antenna is our top product on this list. Two of the biggest challenges are the physical size of efficient antennas and noise when receiving. HIGHER PERFORMANCE ANTENNAS FOR LARGER LOTS. Why MFJ-1778is The Best Brand For 160 Meter Antenna? 80-foot 4-square azimuth plot for 160 meters The phasing values used for the 160-meter models of this antenna were Zero degrees for the front element, -218. With the Stew Perry 160m contest coming up, I convinced myself that a receiving loop was the next step in antenna work needed. DIRECTIVE ANTENNAS FOR SMALL LOTS. But, in reality this antenna is 128 ft. C1 is a compression trimmer or air variable capacitor with a capacitance of 80 pF for 80 meters and 500 pF for 160 meters. djfegugbxwfhhxfhksgtgokaaxavnulusjrbedqznnagwrgac