Automapper static property requires null instance non static property requires non null instance. It makes use of System.
Automapper static property requires null instance non static property requires non null instance Jan 13, 2017 · It means the method call you're trying to represent is a static one, but you're giving it a target expression. I looked at Mapper's Map method and it doesn't seem to be static. In other words, it won't use the contents of B to determine which static method to call. Addresses, opt => opt => opt. For instance in this usage, all works fine: For the instance method of using AutoMapper, LINQ now requires us to pass in the MapperConfiguration instance: public class ProductsController : Controller { public ProductsController ( MapperConfiguration config ) { this . Another alternative to this is to use a condition, so only map the value when the value is not null. textBox1' It showed me when I was editing the text data on that "textbox1". Lambda cannot be compiled at runtime. 1 to 8. I have seen possible solutions to this error, but I just don't understand how to fix mine. using AutoMapper; namespace AutoMapperTests { class Program { static void Main( string[] args ) { Mapper. AddProfile(new WebMappingProfile()); //mapping between Web and Business layer objects cfg. A static method has no such instance, hence nothing to give as first hidden Automapper Object reference is required for the non static field, method or property Hot Network Questions What is the Purpose of Rack Focus, and Is It Still Commonly Used in Modern Filmmaking? Aug 4, 2010 · AutoMapper has a configuration property named AllowNullDestinationValues which is set to true by default. e. Serialization. public static class MappingProfile { public static MapperConfiguration InitializeAutoMapper() { MapperConfiguration config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg. (Parameter 'expression') System. Aug 27, 2020 · ERROR Static method requires null instance, non-static method requires non-null instance. It's helpful to keep in mind that while the library is popularly used to map to/from view models and entities, it's a generic library for mapping any class to any other class, and as such, doesn't take into account all the eccentricities of an ORM like Entity Framework. MapFrom( y => y. Next(int, int)' "So, I looked at answers to other questions with similar phrases. Actually, this has to do with the version of AutoMapper you're using. But if I will try to make changes about other property like "Size", "Location" then imagine what will happen!. 0. May 17, 2018 · By calling Mapper. Map<Source, Dest>(source); // d is now a new instance May 14, 2022 · ArgumentException: Static property requires null instance, non-static property requires non-null instance. CreateMap<Contact, ContactModel>() . Serialize(o); } public static List<T> FromJSONToListOf<T>(this string jsonString) { var oSerializer = new Dec 15, 2015 · I created the following extension method to solve this problem. AllowNullDestinationValues = false; // Source source = null; Dest d = AutoMapper. net core 3. Automapper Mapping Non-null properties. It's basically static or nothing. ForMember( x => x. Configuration. Parameter name: method. Serialization and some extention methods for ease of use: public static class JSONExts { public static string ToJSON(this object o) { var oSerializer = new System. 0. ConstructUsing( src Jul 19, 2012 · The only potential problem with this is it requires you to supply the source type to map from. 0 to 10. 1. I could do something like Mapper. ProjectTo. It makes use of System. Call(left, mi, right), not Expression. Apr 16, 2010 · An easy way to think about it is the following: a non-static method (or property, because properties are just wrapped-up methods) receives, as a first hidden parameter, a reference to the instance on which they operate (the "this" instance within the called method). AddProfile(new BLProfile()); // mapping between Business and DB layer objects Sep 20, 2012 · Taking Marty's solution (which works) one step further, here is a generic method to make it easier to use: public static U MapValidValues<U, T>(T source, U destination) { // Go through all fields of source, if a value is not null, overwrite value on destination field. Script. When using the static members from Mapper class you are dealing with Mapper. Addresses!= null)); Aug 20, 2015 · This is a limitation of AutoMapper as far as I'm aware. The static API: And the instance API: AutoMapper also lets you gather configuration before initialization: For the instance API, you can use IMapper. It "allows you to supply an alternate value for a destination member if the source value is null anywhere along the member chain" (taken from the AutoMapper manual). JavaScriptSerializer(); return oSerializer. Dec 5, 2012 · I think this confusing exception occurs when you use a variable in a lambda which is a null-reference at run-time. 1 version of AutoMapper and later, AutoMapper provides two APIs: a static and an instance API. , using the method name by itself) and can manipulate only static variables in the same class directly. UserName, opt => opt. If you're mapping a complex type, you may be in a situation where you need to create the final type/instance and you may even need the source to be able to do it. Mapper. Expressions; namespace ConsoleApp1 { class Program { public class MyObject { public void Add<T>(Func<T, bool> value) { // Line below causes error: Static method requires null instance, // non-static method requires non-null instance. It broke during automated testing with XUnit, in a . Property(Expression expression, PropertyInfo property) Sep 12, 2013 · Is there a way to use Automapper to map Src to Dest with the following conditions: -If Src's Num is null then Dest's Num property should stay the same -If Src's InnerStr is null then Dest's Num property should stay the same -If Src's InnerStr cannot be parsed as an int then Dest's Num should stay the same -If Src's InnerStr can be parsed as an A call to a static method will be compiled to call a specific static method on a specific class. UserName ) ); Mapper Sep 3, 2019 · using System; using System. 2. Nov 4, 2010 · eg the following code will fail with a NullReferenceException because the Contact's User property is null. – A static method or property can call only other static methods or properties of the same class directly (i. Linq. This may require that the value default to null (as it wont be mapped) Mapper. Engine. That's like trying to call: Thread t = new Thread(); We just upgraded AutoMapper from 10. Jan 18, 2016 · I want to move to a class called "Mapper" and in C# a static method hides an instance method of the same name. Call(mi, left, right). Form1. Web. In the tes The "Object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property" error message can occur when using AutoMapper in C# when you try to use a non-static method or property of an object without first instantiating the object. In your case, I would check if your variable calculationViewModel is a null-reference. CreateMap<Person, PersonModel>() . Oct 15, 2017 · Compiler Errors : Line 14,34 : An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Compiling_CSharp_Code_at_Runtime. Apr 25, 2016 · ERROR Static method requires null instance, non-static method requires non-null instance (1 answer) Closed 8 years ago . Instance and it is the same instance for all objects into the same AppDomain. 1. ForMember( dest => dest. 2. But it is raised in one place, and in another place, in the same scenario it doesn't. I first noticed this with a nullable integer property in a different object, but thought it was my code and created a manual mapping but when it happened to another property, figured it had to be something AutoMapper. Expressions. That's what the exception is telling you: Static method requires null instance, non-static method requires non-null instance. In these examples on Stack Overflow most suggestions said that someone needed to simply make the method or class static. public static IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> PreCondition<TSource, TDestination>( this IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> mapping , Func<TSource, bool> condition ) where TDestination : new() { // This will configure the mapping to return null if the source object condition fails mapping. By setting this to false, I get the behavior shown in the question, e. Does anyone have any ideas as to what's going on? Thanks in advance! In 4. Instance static property). For example, consider the following code that uses AutoMapper: May 16, 2023 · The problem is that your method is not static, but you use it without instantiation. f(b), not f(a, b), and that translates to expression tree Expression. Condition(source=> source. 3. Map but that seems hokey. Expression. Example: This is how you create MapperConfiguration with profiles. Initialize you are initializing a mapper which is an static instance of IMapper interface (accessible through Mapper. Apr 10, 2017 · Switching back to 5. 0 and the Microsoft DI extension from 8. User. C# Expression. ArgumentException: Static method requires null instance, non-static method requires non-null instance. Property(Expression expression, PropertyInfo property) With stack trace: System. 0 makes this work again as expected. Jun 16, 2017 · Automapper Object reference is required for the non static field, method or property 7 object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property Dec 10, 2016 · System. Jun 8, 2017 · While LeeeonTMs answer works fine AutoMapper provides a specialised mechanism to substitute null values. Aug 21, 2012 · This is cheap and easy. config = config ; } private MapperConfiguration config ; public ActionResult Index ( int id ) { var dto = dbContext . Oct 28, 2015 · "an object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Random. 1 environment, with c#8 and nullable reference types enabled. g: Mapper. Instance methods must be called as C# a. Aug 24, 2016 · Required, but never shown C# Automapper Ignore Property When Null. To access a class’s non-static members, a static method or property must use a reference to an object of that class. lwamk opq ysmhlh kwpw mkcz rtthbow jdqjxnt qtjsr mdxw sdfavn